From There, To Here
The most important factor to a healthy well-being is feeling connected. From There, To Here is a podcast that will infuse strength, positivity and a sense of community into your life. We discuss significant topics that explore our personal journeys From There, To Here, as well as feature insightful guests’ stories.
Meet Shannon
Shannon is an anxiety driven, overthinking, perfectionist who stresses over not b eing perfect. She is blessed to be a mom of three miracles. Her oldest is adopted out of the foster care system. After 11 dark years of infertility, she was surprised with a twin pregnancy. Shannon turned in her special education teacher hat to fulfill her dream career as a behavioral and educational consultant.
Meet Jess
Jess is a teacher at heart and a natural leader. Her goal is to leave sparkles of positivity wherever she goes. The practice of finding joy hasn't always been easy - from loving and leaving an addict, to finding self-love and new love, to navigating a nightmare of an adoption process - she is stronger for enduring challenges and is now living her own dream life. Much of her time is spent with her son, but her life wouldn’t be complete without also contributing to the field of education in various ways.
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From There, To Here
57. Guest Interview with Ryan Off The Grid - Road to Recovery
In a raw and powerful podcast, Ryan Bauduin, publicly known as “Ryan Off The Grid,” bares his soul as he recounts his harrowing journey to recovery from alcoholism. A former Marine Corps Infantryman with a combat deployment under his belt, Ryan's battle with the bottle began at a shockingly young age. From fifth grade to adulthood, his life was a blur of drinking, womanizing, and violence, all in an attempt to maintain a facade of strength. It took years for him to come to terms with the fact that he had a problem, and even longer to admit that he was an alcoholic. At his lowest point, he was consuming staggering amounts of rum every night. After a failed attempt at "normal" drinking after rehab, Ryan was diagnosed with PTSD, anxiety, and depression. By immersing himself in nature and dedicating himself to helping his fellow veterans, Ryan is embracing a life of sobriety and purpose. Join Ryan Off The Grid on his unfiltered journey of redemption, as he proves that even in the darkest of times, the human spirit can prevail.
While listening, you will hear us refer to the following episodes:
18. Guest Interview with Missy - Overcoming a 20-year Heroin addiction
35. Guest Interview with Terri - From Surviving to Thriving; Resilience After Childhood Trauma
54. Guest Interview with Coach Tim Decorach, Addressing his Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Find Ryan:
Ryan Off The Grid Facebook
Ryan Off The Grid Insta
Ryan Off the Grid Youtube
High Point Adventures Facebook
High Point Adventures Insta
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