From There, To Here
The most important factor to a healthy well-being is feeling connected. From There, To Here is a podcast that will infuse strength, positivity and a sense of community into your life. We discuss significant topics that explore our personal journeys From There, To Here, as well as feature insightful guests’ stories.
Meet Shannon
Shannon is an anxiety driven, overthinking, perfectionist who stresses over not b eing perfect. She is blessed to be a mom of three miracles. Her oldest is adopted out of the foster care system. After 11 dark years of infertility, she was surprised with a twin pregnancy. Shannon turned in her special education teacher hat to fulfill her dream career as a behavioral and educational consultant.
Meet Jess
Jess is a teacher at heart and a natural leader. Her goal is to leave sparkles of positivity wherever she goes. The practice of finding joy hasn't always been easy - from loving and leaving an addict, to finding self-love and new love, to navigating a nightmare of an adoption process - she is stronger for enduring challenges and is now living her own dream life. Much of her time is spent with her son, but her life wouldn’t be complete without also contributing to the field of education in various ways.
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From There, To Here
46. Guest Interview with Amanda B - Loving THE Amazing Grace
Amanda shares a special story with hosts: A story of birth, loss, and moving forward. Amanda is mom to THE Amazing Grace. Most people believe that adding to your family of two should be exciting. But after having a miscarriage, Amanda and her husband got pregnant a 2nd time only to receive devastating and scary news that the baby was measuring too small and may have a hole in their heart. After lots of prayer and giving the outcome over to a higher power, Grace was born. She was indeed born small and did have to have surgeries to fix the hole in her heart - but that was just the beginning of her journey. Genetic tests showed that Grace had a very rare chromosomal abnormality called Emanuel Syndrome. Amanda explains what Emanuel syndrome is and how it affected Grace’s development. Amanda also shares how this rare diagnosis changed her and her husband’s life - forever. Learning how to care for all of Grace’s unique medical needs, many lengthy stays at the hospital, career changes, and 24-hour nursing care are just a few of the life altering challenges you’ll hear in this episode.
At the tender age of 13, Grace's journey on earth came to an end, leaving a void in their hearts. Despite the pain of loss, Amanda speaks passionately about how her family and friends have rallied together to honor Grace's memory. Through their collective efforts, they ensure that Grace's legacy lives on, touching the lives of others and spreading awareness about Emanuel Syndrome. In sharing this story, Amanda hopes to inspire others to embrace the lessons learned from Grace's life and carry her light forward.
While listening, you will hear us refer to the following episode:
41. Guest Interview with Alexa - Mother of a Medically Complex Child
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